How is your pandemic going? We hope it has gone as well as can be expected and, like us, you are REALLY hoping to get back to work soon.
Things here in China kicked off earlier and therefore are rebounding sooner too – we are back up and filming already. The rules in China already allow for free travel and movement and also allow filming. We can film on location and also in studios, with a range of local and international talent (both behind and in front of the camera).
This means that productions can be filmed in China even if they aren’t actually set in China.
To spark some China inspiration, here’s a link to our ten favourite China locations we filmed at last year (oh those blessed pre-covid days!)
Hope you enjoy it – Please do get in touch if you’s like to learn more or share an existing project you are working on. We look forward to hearing from you and of course to getting back up and running in 2020!