Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers (Animal Planet) Adventure, Factual Entertainment, Nature/Wildlife, Travel, TV Series Mandarin Film collaborated with Icon Films to produce the Chinese episode of their new show “Mighty Rivers”, a 6-part series commissioned by... Detail
Mekong with Sue Perkins (BBC) Adventure, Environment, Factual Entertainment, Travel, TV Series Mandarin Film traveled with one of the BBC’s brightest TV personalities- Sue Perkins - for a 21-day shoot in the... Detail
9:15 Wild Metropolis (BBC/Tencent) Factual Entertainment, Nature/Wildlife, Travel, TV Series Humpback whales breach in New York’s Hudson River. Huge colonies of megabats have made Adelaide their home. African Penguins find... Detail
9:15 Food Unwrapped (Channel Four) Culture, Factual Entertainment, Food, TV Series Food Unwrapped is a long-running popular Channel 4 TV show that travels the world exploring the industry secrets behind our favourite foods.From... Detail
9:15 The Grand Tour Adventure, Factual Entertainment, Travel, TV Series The Grand Tour is a British motoring television series for Amazon Video, presented industry legends Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and... Detail
9:15 Du Fu (BBC/CCTV) Culture, Factual Entertainment, TV Special Created and produced by Mandarin Film and Mayavison, this CCTV9 and the BBC co-production was hosted by the classic BBC... Detail